Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Black holes in the blogosphere

Well, word has come from the publisher re spreads so far and cover idea and the answer is.....back to the drawing board. Oh dear. So, the next few weeks will see how this project progresses, if indeed it does, and if it doesn't then be prepared for the blog to become a black hole in the blogosphere as it is deleted.


Celia Hart said...

It's at times like this I would need to stroke a cat and then go for a walk.

All the best

tlchang said...

No kidding Celia! Bummer. Hate that (she says as she sends the third version of content back for publisher negotiation).

Even if this project doesn't go through, it would be a shame to delete the blog - unless you planned to blog elsewhere as well...

Griffin said...

What do they know, they're only publishers. I love your work... ok and your cats!

Let the publishers go whistle, you are just too good for 'em.

Jackie Morris said...

Learning lessons. Having a much nicer time not illustrating but just painting and have been back through emails and found contradictory imput along the way from publisher. But at the end f the day I do love books. ot mine in particular but books and stories. So, I will get back to it but it is hard to maintain enthusiasm. But thanks. And my cats send thanks too. They are going to go for their own book I think but are thinking of self publishing!