Not sure how I feel about it. I did the best that I could. I feel stupid for listening to them last time and giving them what they had asked for, re something that was designed in photoshop and then painted by me. I should have sat down and thought about what it was that was wanted and designed the image myself. Lesson learned on that one. I do remember saying a few times that it wouldn't work, was weak etc.....
This design is better. I can see why they wanted it as it ticks all the boxes and shows what to expect from the inside pages.
For me it gives it all away in one big shout on the cover, but then that is maybe what a cover should do, and what a cover should be. After all for many people who buy on the net the cover is all and everything that they get to see.
If truth be told I still prefer the first cover but in saying that completely understand why the editor and publisher want this one. So tomorrow when it is a bit drier I will post it off to them and hope that they like it.
I need to move on to other work now. Today I have an exhibition to hang.
But I really enjoyed doing the drawing for this cover, the big rough, and now I would love to have a go at doing a whole book that is drawn rather than painted. It will be a very difficult challenge as it is so so very hard to keep the freshness of sketches and when you think they will be used for publishing so often they become tight and self conscious.
Anyway, for now I hope they like it.
Well done you! when do 'they' get to see it?
It really does look very lovely, I hope you are pleased with it too?
gorgeous! i hope the designer will be creative in fitting the lettering to the artwork.
I think I will buy this book...just for the cover and tell my grandchildren what a time you had over it! You have made me appreciate books even more, knowing what a struggle you artists go through.
It really is lovely!
I think it is amazing, and utterly beautiful Jackie - and how you've managed to achieve this under such stress is testament to your talent and professionalism, which just leaves me speechless, really. Well done, and I'm sure they will love it!
I have found something to admire in each of the covers--and I think it is amazing that you can return to the project and recreate an imaginative new painting several times over. I hope this one is accepted and you can move on--I'm anxious to see a book on which you and Pixie combine your talents!
I think it is fab!
Jackie, you should be very proud of your talents, beautiful! I have tagged you on my blog, i hope you don't mind!
Wow, I have just seen the incredible photo of your painting of the woman and the polar bear and the weather vane - that is one of the most beautiful images I have seen in a long time. I have applied for 4 jobs, and when I get one I would like to but a painting to put above our fireplace. (I would like the weather vane too, but it's yours!)
Absolutely incredible work, and I'm sure this exhibition will be a fantastic success! Wish I lived nearer, to be able to go and see it!
I agree with Morning's Minion that each of the covers has its own charm. The first, I think, is most appealing as a pure work of art, and this last one does seem to gracefully encompass all the art-and-advertising roles a cover must play. It suggests (or, okay, yes, it outright states) that the young sailor has adventures with a specific array of magical creatures, but I still don't know the content of those adventures, so there remains some mystery to explore in the reading. And the reading is a pleasure I am very much looking forward to.
There is an award for you on my blog
I'll admit that as a I buy nearly all my books online, this one Leaps out and says buy me. It shows some of the adventure I can't see by handling the book.
While I loved the first cover, this one shows me the expectation of the book. Hints at hidden journeys - colour and excitement. So in that sense I can see where the publishers were going. So many people buy online these days and it's a market that really needs to be taken into account.
It's a beautiful book and I can't wait to get my greedy little hands on it.
I hope you will have time to work on the book with the Gingers now--that will be one brilliant book! Their lives are so fascinating and they live in such a magical place.
I hope the book will be available in Canada. I think it is magical.
Your illustrations are lovely but very similar to Jane Ray's work!
I wonder what she thinks of your images?:)
Thanks for that Anonymous. I feel suitably dismissed.
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