Monday, January 5, 2009

Rescue dog

The children's first day back at school and at last I can sit down and work for a few hours undisturbed. In England it has snowed in places but here the weather is turning mild and the frost thawing. The pond by the house still rings like a bell when stones are thrown on to it as thick ice still covers it.
In the afternoon I fall asleep in my studio, head bowed over my drawing board.
Later Hannah and Rosie and Floss and Bella come down the beach where the sun sets fire to the sand and I float paper boats out to sea. Honey, Sarah's dog helps out by "rescuing" a boat from a pool for me.


Jess said...

That's a beautiful photo of the pink light on the water :)
It's bloomin' cold sitting still isn't it? I still have my youngest at home until tomorrow and can't WAIT to get back to 'normal'!x

L. said...

Your art work is breathtakingly beautiful. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog.

It is such a treasure to see the creative process you go through. I hope you don't mind if I follow your blog.
