Sunday, January 4, 2009

Nicolleta Ceccoli

When James originally took the text of Starlight Sailor to Barefoot the publisher wanted to commission a different artist to illustrate the words, Nicoletta Ceccoli, the illustrator of their beautiful book The Tear Thief by Carol Ann Dufy. Nicoletta was busy, working on other texts and animations and tied up with work until 2010 so James recommended me.
I love Nicoletta's work, such magic. Would have been great to have seen the book illustrated by her.
Meanwhile I inch closer to finishing and wait to hear what Tessa thinks of the work I did over Christmas.


valentina said...

I love Nicoletta Ceccoli too, my favourite is the Girl on the castle inside the museum.
But as far as I can see you're doing a wonderful job!

Jackie Morris said...

I just bought the Girl in the castle in the museum, as well as the Mooncats book. Can't wait to get it. Love the images on the website too.